Wednesday 19 February 2014

Sugar and Spice

Hello My Sweet Little Lady,

Last week we found out that you're a sweet, squirming little girl! Mama cried when the ultrasound technician told us that not only are you a little girl, but you're developing perfectly and there don't seem to be any issues so far. You were a perfect representation of your Daddy and I during the ultrasound - you were face down and refused to turn over (stubborn, like your Mama) and yet you wiggled so much that she couldn't get very good pictures of you (fidgety, just like Daddy!)

We then spent the weekend with your Aunty Becky and your cousins Gregor and Duncan in Medicine Hat! We had so much fun and Aunty Becky has already spoiled you rotten. It was so nice (and surreal) for your Daddy and I to be able to shop for specific items and to call you by name. You were squirmy (as always) and you seem to be getting bigger by the second (so does Mama!)

We are finally starting to imagine what your little bedroom should look like and are planning to start getting it ready very soon. I can't wait to hold you. Your Daddy can't wait to make you laugh.

I love you, sweet girl.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Happy Feet

Dear Baby,

Goodness me, you never stop moving! You especially love when your Daddy reads you stories at night. He calls you Tiny Dancer because I said it feels like you're dancing in my belly. You certainly have happy little feet!

Last night you were resting on the left-hand side of my belly and I could see a big lump where you were. It made my belly look lopsided but your Daddy and I got a real kick out of knowing exactly where you were! Daddy finally got to feel you moving around a few days ago - now he is constantly talking to you and putting his hands on my belly so that he can feel you wiggling.

Soon we'll be finding out if you're a little lady or a little gent - we can't wait! We're excited to be able to start preparing for your arrival (and to call you something other than "Baby" and "Little One.")

We love you, Happy Feet. Keep dancing.
