Thursday 8 May 2014

Busy Days

Hello Baby,

My, you're a busy little one these days. It's been a while since I've written to you - mostly because Daddy and I have been spending most of our time getting ready for your arrival. Today you are exactly 8 months into your development and the time has flown by. I can't wait to meet you but I am simultaneously begging the days to slow down so that I have more time to prepare - I just want you to feel safe and loved when you get here.

Daddy sings to you quite often now - most recently it was "Goodnight, Sweetheart" but he substituted "Sweetheart" with your name. You respond to his voice immediately and he constantly notes how strong you're getting and reminds you to be gentle on your Mama. He refers to the two of us as "his girls" - I'll frequently get text messages from him that say "How are my girls doing today?" It makes me smile every time! He is so excited to play with you and show you how to get into trouble - though I get the feeling you'll have no problem finding trouble all on your own!

It's probably getting crowded in there now and your movements aren't as quick. I hope you're comfortable and that I don't upset you with all the terrible candy I eat lately. I've been baking lots of goodies and eating far too many of them - I promise, I'm trying to be better! I'm watching my belly pulse and bulge from your movements right now. I just ate a granola bar and they always make you pretty jumpy! Daddy says he loves you and he hopes you're having a nice day and growing big and strong.

Mama loves you too, sweet girl.

See you soon!